Causes and Effects of Poor Reading among Ghanaian Students: A Case Study of Wamfie Anglican Primary School

Konadu Adam *

St. Ambrose College of Education, Dormaa-Akwamu, Ghana.

Agbevenu Judith Sena

St. Ambrose College of Education, Dormaa-Akwamu, Ghana.

Patrick Akwasi Anamuah Mensah

St. Ambrose College of Education, Dormaa-Akwamu, Ghana.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The purpose of this study is to find out the causes and effects of poor reading of students or pupils and how it can be improved. Data was obtained from teachers, parents and pupils of Wamfie Anglican Primary School in the Bono region of Ghana. An observation, interview and questionnaire were carried out as a research instrument. Results proved that the causes and effects of poor reading towards pupils of Wamfie Anglican Primary School was as a result of inadequate teaching materials, poor teacher-pupil relation and inadequate reading textbooks on the parts of the school and teachers which have led to poor reading among pupils and consequently has a negative effect on their academic performance. From the study, it was realized that the issue of poor reading among pupils could be improved through the availability of adequate teaching and learning materials, availability of textbooks and good teacher-pupil relation.

Keywords: Poor reading, causes, effects, pupils, academic performance, teaching and learning materials

How to Cite

Adam, Konadu, Agbevenu Judith Sena, and Patrick Akwasi Anamuah Mensah. 2024. “Causes and Effects of Poor Reading Among Ghanaian Students: A Case Study of Wamfie Anglican Primary School”. Asian Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 7 (2):206-15.


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