Reading Attitude, Self-regulation and Technology-based Instruction for Effective Reading: A Structural Relationship Model in Students' Intercultural Communicative Competence

Queen Gladys O. Fiel *

University of Mindanao Professional Schools, Matina, Davao City, Philippines.

Marilou Y. Limpot

University of Mindanao Professional Schools, Matina, Davao City, Philippines.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims: To determine the most fit model for Senior High School Students’ intercultural communicative competence, influenced by reading attitude, self-regulation, and technology-based instruction for effective reading.

Study Design: A non-experimental quantitative research design employing descriptive, predictive, and structural equation modeling was utilized.

Place and Duration of Study: The respondents were Senior High School Students from public secondary schools in Region XI, Southern Mindanao, Philippines. The respondents were chosen using stratified random sampling. The study was conducted in school year 2023-2024.

Methodology: The collected data from an adapted survey questionnaire were analyzed using mean, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, linear regression, and structural equation modeling.

Results: The intercultural communicative competence of Senior High School Students in Region XI is significantly influenced by reading attitude, self-regulation, and technology-based instruction for effective reading, as demonstrated by Table 6 which is significantly lower than the .05 level of significance set for this study. Nonetheless, the overall model suggests that these three predictors together can significantly predict intercultural communicative competence.

Conclusion: The intercultural communication ability of the pupils is significantly correlated with the factors of reading attitude, self-regulation, and technology-based instruction for effective reading. As a result, the null hypothesis is rejected. The model that showed the greatest match for the data among the three examined was Model 3, which also exhibited consistent indices. Consequently, it was identified as the most appropriate model. Since all of the indices satisfied the predetermined criteria when compared to the values derived from the most appropriate model, the goodness of fit results for model 3 are satisfactory.

Keywords: Education, students, reading attitude, self-regulation, technology-based instruction, reading comprehension, intercultural communicative competence, SEM, Philippines

How to Cite

Fiel, Queen Gladys O., and Marilou Y. Limpot. 2024. “Reading Attitude, Self-Regulation and Technology-Based Instruction for Effective Reading: A Structural Relationship Model in Students’ Intercultural Communicative Competence”. Asian Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 7 (2):344-57.


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