Academic Resiliency, Social and Emotional Learning, and Intercultural Communication of Students: A Structural Equation Model on Interpersonal Communicative Competence

Ian Jay C. Sunio *

University of Mindanao Davao City- Professional Schools, Philippines.

Marilou Y. Limpot

University of Mindanao Davao City- Professional Schools Professor, Philippines.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims: This study aimed to determine the best model for students' interpersonal communicative competence, influenced by academic resiliency, intercultural communication, and social and emotional learning.

Study Design:  A non-experimental quantitative research design employing descriptive, predictive, and structural equation modeling was utilized.

Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted among 456 AB-Filipino and BSED Filipino students in Region XII, Philippines.

Methodology: The data collected from an adapted survey questionnaire were analyzed using measures such as mean, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, linear regression, and structural equation modeling.

Results: The results revealed that academic resiliency, social and emotional learning, intercultural communication, and interpersonal communicative competence of students achieved a high descriptive level, indicating frequent manifestation among the respondents. Furthermore, social and emotional learning and intercultural communication emerged as statistically significant predictors of interpersonal communicative competence. However, academic resiliency did not demonstrate statistical significance as a predictor of interpersonal communicative competence. Nonetheless, the overall model suggests that these three predictors together can significantly predict interpersonal communicative competence.

Conclusion: It was found that intercultural communicative competence significantly influenced interpersonal communicative competence, the endogenous variable. Lastly, Model 3 met all the goodness-of-fit criteria, indicating it as the best-fit model for interpersonal communicative competence. It is considered relatively parsimonious due to its good fit with fewer parameters compared to the other models.

Keywords: Academic resiliency, social and emotional learning, intercultural competence, interpersonal communicative competence, structural equational modelling, education, Philippines

How to Cite

Sunio, Ian Jay C., and Marilou Y. Limpot. 2024. “Academic Resiliency, Social and Emotional Learning, and Intercultural Communication of Students: A Structural Equation Model on Interpersonal Communicative Competence”. Asian Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 7 (2):358-73.


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