Unveiling Class Struggle: A Marxist Reading of Filipino Short Stories
Published: 2024-07-05
Page: 390-400
Issue: 2024 - Volume 7 [Issue 2]
Abraham, Aivie M. *
Holy Cross of Davao College Inc., Davao City, Philippines.
Dapitanon, Charissa A.
Holy Cross of Davao College Inc., Davao City, Philippines.
San Jose, Ariel E.
SPAMAST Malita, Davao Occidental, Philippines.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
This paper explored class struggle in Filipino short stories through a Marxist lens, with the goal of uncovering themes related to exploitation, social injustices, and class struggles. Through the use of a directed content analysis approach, we scrutinized five Filipino short stories—Kalupi by Benjamin Pascual, Sandaang Damit by Fanny Garcia, Tong by F. Sionil Jose, The Money Changer by Hammed Bolotaolo, and Ardor by Alexis A. L. Abola—to comprehend the underlying socioeconomic forces. The study brought light to the pervasive economic disparities and systemic exploitation, shedding light on the challenges faced by marginalized characters as they strive for dignity and identity in the face of adversity. Furthermore, the analysis emphasized how the intersection of class and ethnicity exacerbates social inequalities. In addition to critiquing literary works, this study also encouraged the critical analysis of systemic issues, supporting social change and a more profound comprehension of the social structure in the Philippines.
Keywords: Marxist theory, social injustices, exploitation, class struggle, Filipino short stories
How to Cite
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