Leveraging Persuasive Language and Critical Literacy to Foster Ethical AI Practices among Students

Eucharia Ngozi Nwosu *

Department of English and Literary Studies, Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe, Nigeria.

Similoluwa Blossom Adesuwa Okpeseyi

15291 NE 40th Street Redmond, WA 98052, USA.

Edith Ada Anyanwu

Department of Languages and Linguistics, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Effective language use and critical literacy are means of solving different problems. This study examines the place of persuasive language and critical literacy in ensuring students’ ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI). The study relies on secondary data. Analytic descriptive design and qualitative method are employed along with their suitable tools like interpretation, criticality and objectivity. The analysis shows that if teachers consistently use language persuasively to rouse students’ critical awareness and consciousness to ethical use of AI for academic purposes, students would halt or reduce their current trend of misusing AI for malpractice in assignments, tests, examinations and research works. In conclusion, the research addresses a significant gap and has potential implications for both educational practice and policy as regards unethical AI practices among students through the teacher’s use of persuasive language and critical literacy to make students change from negative to positive uses of AI for academic tasks. Stakeholders are charged to make concerted efforts toward halting students’ misuse of AI in tertiary institutions across the world. The efforts include making decisive and operational legislations that penalise all defaulters who resort to unethical use of AI for pedagogic purposes.

Keywords: Pedagogy, ai ethics, educational technology, persuasive language, critical literacy

How to Cite

Nwosu, Eucharia Ngozi, Similoluwa Blossom Adesuwa Okpeseyi, and Edith Ada Anyanwu. 2024. “Leveraging Persuasive Language and Critical Literacy to Foster Ethical AI Practices Among Students”. Asian Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 7 (3):447-56. https://journalajl2c.com/index.php/AJL2C/article/view/197.