Dr. Bakare Kazeem Kayode

Doctor of Philosophy (Social Foundation and Educational Leadership),IIUM, 2014 , Master of Education (Educational Administration), IIUM, Malaysia, 2010 Bachelor of Business ( Business Administration), Olabisi Onabanjo University Ago-Iwoye Ogun State Nigeria 2004 Diploma in Management (General Management), Olabisi Onabanjo University Ago-Iwoye Ogun State Nigeria, 2000 Diploma in Computer (Application Package), Lagos City Computer College in Nigeria, 2005. I am a cheerful, focused and mindful lecturer who is concerned about students’ engagement in learning. I see students as future drivers of change in society irrespective of their attitude towards learning—a position that often attracts heavy criticism. My approach to teaching and learning may not be good for all classroom situation—this is because my wisdom, teaching, guidance, advisory ability and analytical skilled are not immune to errors and mistake. Despite these challenges, I managed to make tremendous contributions to students’ understanding and my university development in areas such as Human resource management; Leadership and Management Skills; Basic Statistics and Data Analysis; Advanced Statistic and Measurement; Research Methodology, Modern Teaching and Learning Method; Education Philosophy; Management and Administration of Distance Learning Programmes; Quality Assurance; Training & Development. I would be proud to work for any educational or research institutions with such leverage on the powerful millennium tool (technology) to make education, learning and research more accessible, enjoyable, flexible and interactive experience for learners’ and researchers. I consider myself a promising innovator in the area of technology-mediated learning and I would love to work for any institutions in order to actualize this aspiration.